Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Greeating Image! Made by ME. hehe

Twisted Sister Picture+Cake Picture+Photoshop=



Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weeeee! What a Miracle!! hahahaha

Weeee! What a miracle! I luckily discovered by chance a pirated copy of the newest album of Wolfgang and I bought it for just 50 Pph! Just last month.(lol). 

Miracle, because it was not yet released or distributed on different Original Music CD Outlets here in Davao. Lucky for me I found one! :D

After a few years of hiatus of band's activity after their "Black Mantra" album in 2001. Here they are with a comeback with a new album entitled "Villains".It has new tracks composed truly yours by the Wolfgang's frontman Basti Artadi. Featuring the newest singles like RP Deathsquad and Novus Is Burning which is made for one of the biggest 3D MMORPG online game RF Online of Level Up Philippines.  

The music of their new album is awesome and it still have the touch of Wolfgang's groovy and aggressive musical style and Basti's vocal style and I love it! I hope they create more great music in the future for the next generation and more power to them!

Glory to the rock bands of the early 90s! \m/

Pressed Letters Effects With Outer Space Theme

A new creation has been made again! After 3 hours and a half of doing some experiments in Photoshop and reading some tutorials before I wrote this article. I finally made my own simple "Sleek Pressed Letter Design" from the tutorial that I've  read. See the tuts (Click Here). Though I made some alternations on my design which is not included in the tutorial, it still look great for me. 

So here it is! Enjoy! hehehe :D


Saturday, February 7, 2009



Here's my newest creation! A banner out of Adobe Photoshop ™! Hehehe

I made this for our group project which is a webpage in our Web Development subject. 

I hope you'll like it! :D